"Our goal "
is not to invent a new religion using these biblical terms but to devleop a way of thinking in students
that will cause them to bring into existance
enlightened institutions
and brillant resolutions to the
persistent problems that we face on our planet''.
p.21 [Journey to the Beginning-Aturah Shayrah HaElite]
Our Vision = To Value Our Purpose
To stay aligned with our purpose .
"You can matriculate through the educational systems of the dominant civilizations for countless years and never be exposed to any significant information on the Bible to enhance your life or your loved ones. Children must have this pleasure and experience joy and victory every second and minute in their lives. ". pg. 10 [Dehumanization-Ben Ammi Ha Masheahk]
"We have arrived back in the Genesis in search of the original message and intent of Yah's law/ instructions.". pg. 13 [Dehumanization-Ben Ammi Ha Masheahk]
Yah -The Hebrew name for the Creator, the highest spiritual intellectual force in the universe representing righteousness, love, peace, and all things positive and good.
Bible- An indispensable tool of liberation which has to be assessed according to ancient truth instead of contemporary deception. A historical overview journey of a people and their relationship and interaction with the Creator.
Righteousness- That which is based upon and sustained by that which is right.
Love-[a verb] doing the right thing to and for one another , including self.
Truth- 1.Is the right knowledge of reality. 2. Words, doctrines, outlooks, and visions keep a man in harmony with the process that sustains life eternally. 3. The Word of Yah. The truth when provides light upon the path and direction for the lost.[Ben Ammi, The Messiah and the End of this World, pg.104.
Worship- To work for, toil for, and labor, for the true worship of Yah is an ongoing twenty-four-hour-a-day activity that cannot be separated from anything that you do.
Prayer = Entreat , make an earnest request : to plead unto Yah in order to petition : to request in a humble manner : to address Yah with adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving: to request Yah"s protection , guidance or discernment in work : to acknowledge appreciation , value, and extreme regard for Yah"s presence in your life. All great events involving the Sons and Daughters of Yah are preceded by prayer. Prayer is a pre-requisite for greatness. [ Preparing the Perfect Offering Toraht Ben Ammi -Book Five] The Prophetic Priesthood at Jerusalem.
"The ability to receive, process, transmit and apply knowledge [information] in a coherent pattern without significant diversionary disruptions is the key to maintaining and prolonging a happy life" pg.46 [TheResurrection From Judgement to Post Judgement-Ben Ammi HaMasheahk]
With their resurgence, teachers of righteousness have been born to unform you that there has to be a new beginning , a new creation, new images, the return of Yah's [the Creator] images and standards of beauty and joy. Only when Yah's [the Creator] spirit [sense] is renewed in you shall you know the joy and gladness of salvation and come to fully appreciate the blessings of Yah [the Creator]. [Everlasting Life from thought to reality pg. 75 . Ben Ammi ]
Our Goals ...
We are shaping the mind of the child, dedicating that child to a worthy idea-Life! -and how to mange it in harmoy with the life-giving cycles , Teachers /Divine Dedicators can change the world by imparting to children the skills to help observe and understand the world in which they live,
there by empowering them.